Saturday, September 29, 2007

How this blog was born

In the year 1007, when this blog was born, Butterfly, MyBedIsGreen, and FaceInTheMask were all living in a small village somewhere in Europe. Butterfly was that overbearing woman with too many loud children, always trying to tell everyone else what to do and how to do it. MyBedIsGreen was a bitter old maid with too many cats. FaceInTheMask was the witch living on the edge of town, who only received visitors when someone was struck down with plague or a baby was born breech. BoxesInBox was a Chinese peasant. Although the difficulties presented by time and space were great, the four managed to come together and write this blog.

No, really. We wanted to say that the birthdate of the Odd Quad was 21 September, 2007 - the day we all moved in together - but Blogspot apparently doesn't allow infants to blog.

So here's how this really happened:

I. Sex

This was actually unsafe and ignorant sex - at the time of the event, we had no idea that it could result in this brainchild.

Absent, the fifth member of the Odd Quad, comes from a somewhat more conservative, or sedate, family environment than some of the other members. Her family doesn't talk about kinky sex, and probably doesn't even really think about it much. This isn't that surprising: they're a half-Jewish, half-Japanese family with four daughters living just outside of D.C. and their father works for the government (and is not a Republican Senator). FaceInTheMask is actively into BDSM, and there is information about this available in her (friends-locked) livejournal.

FaceInTheMask and Absent are livejournal friends. Absent's mother somehow ends up on livejournal... somehow ends up on FaceInTheMask's journal... looks at interests... and finds BDSM. And FREAKS THE FUCK OUT.

So she calls Absent (who is at the time living in another apartment with Butterfly) at some ridiculous hour in the morning, and starts asking her is there any way out of the lease? does she really want to live with this girl? isn't this some sign of mental instability? will FaceInTheMask kill her in her sleep?!?!

(Mostly, Butterfly and Absent convinced her not. And mostly she calmed down. But Butterfly really can't resist a good story, and so... events were set in motion.)

II. Fertilization

You may have noticed that all characters so far are women. And fertilization generally requires female and male gametes, so this is where BoxesInBox comes in.

Absent is doing her fall term in London, England, and so needed a subletter for the beginning of the school year. Searching on-line, she found BoxesInBox, who seemed like a very nice, personable, clean and quiet young man looking for a fall sublet. She negotiated, they came to an agreement, and Butterfly (that awful busybody) just couldn't resist checking him out. So she went to his facebook profile and found...

That he was a Christian. That was really all the profile said, a lot about being a Christian. And since Butterfly, FaceInTheMask, and MyBedIsGreen are all queer, kinky women - well, she was worried.

So Absent sent BoxesInBox a very carefully worded e-mail to the effect of:

... my roommates are all very nice girls, really, sweet, quiet, nice, but, well - they're all queer. Er, bisexual that is. And, um, odd. Kinky, that is. And, well, will you please still sublet with us? Please?...

And she and Butterfly got back the nicest, sweetest, most kind and thoughtful e-mail ever written. Something along the lines of:

... Thank you for opening up and sharing something about yourselves. In return I will tell you a bit about myself. I am a Christian... I believe that being a Christian is about love and kindness... accepting everyone...

Actually, Butterfly almost felt bad about snooping. BoxesInBox signed the sublease agreement.

(And then, when he was moving his stuff in, he ran four blocks backwards pulling a cart behind him, to avoid turning his back on Absent, to whom he was talking the entire way.)

III. Growth

As previously stated, Butterfly really can't resist a good story, or an opportunity to tell one. So, towards the end of the summer interim, when she was out drinking with friends in a whole different city, she happened to mention that she was about to move into a new apartment, and then proceeded to expound upon events (I) and (II). Another woman at her table suggested that she and her roommates keep an apartment blog.

Probably nothing would have come of it, except that everyone was drinking on the night of the 21st of September, and they were tired, and the whole thing was a little funny...

IV. Birth

So a week later we signed up for a blog.